slackify ======== Send updates to Slack about your pipeline's progression! You can upload a file, image, or send a message to a slack channel once you've gone through Slack to `generate an API KEY `__. The bot you create (if you choose that route) must be invited to the channel you post from the bot in. After generating an apikey, it's best to create a configuration file so that you can easily keep up with your apikey. Make sure to practice secure methods. Don't upload your apikey to github as that is very insecure. Keep a local copy of your key. Examples -------- Import the class and set up the slack handler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python from OrthoEvol.Tools.slackify import Slackify slack = Slackify(slackconfig='path/to/slackconfig.cfg') Your config file should look as such: .. code:: python [APIKEYS] slack = apikeystring Message a channel and link to a user with ``<@username>`` in your message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python message_to_channel = 'Hey, <@username>. This is an update for the current script.' slack.send_msg(channel='channelname', message=message_to_channel) Get all users and channels ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python slack.list_users() # Returns a list of all users. slack.list_channels() # Returns a list of channels Upload a file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The file can be an image, pdf, doc, text, python file, etc .. code:: python slack.upload_file()